Samstag, 27. Dezember 2014

Why everyone should watch "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" (movie 1998)

Hey there!

 At first, I wanted to to write "Why every child should watch ..." but then I realized that it's a cute Christmas movie for young and old. So you should continue reading and then watch the movie.. ;D

I think that children`s films are in general very enjoyable, have catchy songs and contain a lot of nuggets of wisdom.
Just like "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer".
As you probably already know, it's about a young reindeer who was born with a red instead of a black nose. All his life he has been harassed and tormented by nearly everyone he knew because of his bright, shiny nose. But, in the end, it turns out that he has certain advantages because of his otherness. "Peculiarities," Santa tells him, "are our strenghs."

What we also learn from this movie:

We are all different on the outside; what really counts is what's inside our hearts.

It could always be worse.  

Tell the truth and you'll be successfull.

If we work together, we can make it.

Everyone deserved a second chance.

A medal will be awarded to those who show courage, character and a heart that's true.

I just wanted you to know that I think that it's great that in children's films these nuggets of widom are simply said. Children don`t have to guess the deeper meaning of the movie, the characters just speak out what's important in life. As I've already mentioned, I believe that's great. 

Short post is already at the end... goodbye everyone! (:

Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2014

Christmas presents (:

Halooo, ho ho ho! :D

Have you ever wondered what to get your ants, grandparents, etc. as a Christmas present?
I always do. What do you give someone who doesn't wish for anything and has enough of this decorative little stuff?
I have found the perfect solution for Christmas 2014:  Kirschstengeli!! :D
That's the story to it:
My distant relative from Swiss always brought some excellent swiss chocolate with her when she came to visit us in Austria. Among others, these Kirschstengeli which have always been loved by my family.
This week, while in search for some presents, I accidentally found a little shop called Heindl which sells these chocolates. That really was a lucky coincidence. Now I have a present which certainly will delight my relatives and which can be eaten and therefore is very useful, indeed.

Of course I took a picture for you and even decorated a bit to make it look christmasy. ;D

Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014

Great book to movie adaptation!

Spoiler alert! xD

Dear readers! (:

On an early evening about two weeks ago, I was sitting in my room thinking about what I should do with the rest of the day. Finally, I decided to watch a movie. In my mind I went through all the books I own which were made into movies and decided to watch If I stay by Gayle Forman. I liked the book when I read it some months ago but couldn't imagine that it would make for a great movie. Nevertheless, I watched it and loved it. In my opinion it is better than the book and that doesn't happen often, does it? Therefore, I decided to tell you about it..

Here’s a quick overview:

The main character, a 17-year-old girl called Mia, experiences a fateful car accident in which her parents and her only sibling die. She, however, has an out-of-body experience and consequently has to deal with seeing her friends and relatives grieving over her family. Repeatedly, the nurse tells her that she alone chooses her destiny at this stage. Soon, Mia realizes that she has to make the most difficult decision of her life. Should she stay or should she let go?

My thoughts on this movie:

First of all, I think that the actors are very well chosen and did a great job. They really fitted to the picture I had in mind while reading the book. I particularly liked that the characters are so solid and genuine.

The movie starts off with the car accident and just after, you get to know her life as she recalls important memories. During the scenes which show a particular scene or day of her life in the past, you kind of forget about her family being dead because the scenes really draw you in and then.. Shock! She is back at the hospital and you are crying again.. (At least that was my experience) (;
It’s really a movie to cry. I believe the reason for that is that everyone has to think of their own family while watching and how they would deal without their family. In addition, it’s not an unrealistic subject and that makes me so sad for all the children who have experienced such horror.
If I stay really makes you think about your family and that life generally is so fragile. One second, and it could have changed irrevocably.

I believe the second book in the duology is written from the perspective of Adam (Mia’s boyfriend). That, I think, is really cool and interesting because in real life you can’t escape your mind and often wonder how other people think about a particular situation.
I`m really looking forward to reading Where she went in the Christmas holiday. I wonder if she wakes up.. I have the feeling that she does. And if she does, I really respect her, because, man, that would be a hell of a wrecked life she would be facing.
I don't like the cover at all,
but you can't judge a book by its cover, can you? (:

Check out Gayle Forman’s other books: Just one day and Just one year. I have read the first one and am planning on reading the next book in this series as well.

Sadly, Just One Night is just a 55 pages long e-novella

Thanks for reading my thoughts on If I Stay. That’s nice of you! :D

Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014

The Book of Kells

Hello there!

Be aware that this is my first free blog. I hope it will turn out great.. (: Enjoy!

Recently, I had to do a project about the Irish history for my English class. It was then that I stumbled across the Book of Kells for the first time. This book caught my attention immediately because a, it’s got intricate and minute details on all but two pages and b, it is ca. 1200 years old.

I think everyone should have at least heard of this book. For the reason that I had never heard of it before,  I want to introduce you to this masterpiece. 

So, what is this book about?

First and foremost, I have to tell you that it is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book. Due to its ornate calligraphy and wonderful illuminations it is considered by many to be the most beautiful book in the world.   

Now, here are a few pictures!

Four Evangelists and their symbols: 
Matthew the man, Mark the lion, John the eagle and Luke the ox.
 Clockwise from top left

The Book of Kells is thought to have been started by Irish monks on the Scottish island of Iona. Later, it was moved to the Abbey of Kells for the Vikings attacked Iona.  There is no way of knowing if the book was produced wholly at Iona or at Kells, or partially at each location. Later, the Vikings also raided Kells and how the book survived this raids is unknown. The fact that it did somehow, makes it even more precious. It was kept in Kells until 1654. Since 1661 it is kept safe at the Trinity Colleague in Dublin.

          Some facts
  • It is written in Latin
  • Half a million (500,000,000!) people visit the library of the Trinity Colleague, Dublin, each year to see it
  • It comprises 340 pages (30 pages did get lost over the years)
  • Since 1953 it has been bound in four volumes  
  • Its bejewelled cover was never found
  • It is one of the best known books in the world
  • In the 1980’s, a Swiss company created a limited number of replicas of the Book of Kells that are so detailed, they include tiny worm-holes in the vellum

If you’re interested, please watch the trailer of the movie “The Secret of Kells”. It looks lovely and gripping.
By the way, check out the Vikings!.. xD

So, thanks for reading! 
Bye! (:

Montag, 17. November 2014

Getting to know Selin!

Last Wednesday, I got to know the dark-haired girl with the glasses a bit better. All I knew about her before our conversation was that she enjoyed singing in front of people. Now I know more about the life of Selin Canli. What I want to share with you, is the story of her trip to Bali. During this monthlong adventure, she visited impressive Buddhist temples, went snorkelling and watched turtles. Surely, a highlight was that a bold monkey chewed on her shirt while being in the Monkey Forest. By and large, it was the best holiday Selin ever had.