Samstag, 10. Januar 2015

Heavenly sky!

Hey there! (:
Why haven't I shown this to you before?

So, from the beginning.
On the 22nd of December, 2015, my family, some friends of the family and myself were sitting in the living room as my sister suddenly became aware of the beautiful lighting of the sky. Immediately, she grabbed her mobile and went outside to take a picture. Since I was curious, I followed her. When we discovered what was going on above our house which we haven't seen through the window, we were breathless. A massive bright orangish cloud was stretching over the sky. I have never seen such an amazing scenery before. Promptly, everyone was outside gazing into the sky. It did not last long but shortly after, you could see pictures on facebook from all aspects of the sky.
I am sure that I will never forget that impressive sight.

Bye bye! (:

Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

Caretta caretta!

Dear readers!

Taking about Zakynthos, I felt the urge to tell you about my caretta caretta encounter as well.

As you already know, in my early teens I spend one week with my family in Zakynthos. One day we spent on a boat and I can't remember why. Maybe, seeing a tortoise was even the purpose of this boat trip. Anyway, all of a sudden, the captain got a call that a tortoise has been seen. Immediately, he headed for the location. Within a few minutes, we saw a couple of small boats, quite near each other. They were all dangerously leaning for the occupants were all gathering on the same side of the boat. Clearly, a caretta caretta was present. As our boat was approaching the spectacle, we could see it too. A quite big tortoise was floating on the water with its head above the surface. It was adorable! So now our boat was nearly overturning as well. Everyone just wanted to get a glimpse of a free-living caretta caretta. Now I wonder if the animal was stressed because of the situation or if it was used to it or if it just did not mind. I hope it did not mind.

Now I need to include a few pictures of caretta carettas because I think they are absolutely adorable. ;D

Have a nice day and thanks for reading!

The Blue Caves... magnificent! bewitching! stunning! astonishing!

Hello again! :D

There are countless positive adjectives out there and I could possibly describe the Blue Caves with all of them.

Years ago, I spend one marvelous week on the small Greek isle Zakynthos with my family.  Of course we saw most of the sights and they were all amazing. But, my favorite was the Blue Caves. These are small caves and rock formations marked in the northern coast of Zakynthos. You can only access them by a small boat, which then navigates through natural arches and into impressive caves. This place is most famous for its light reflection, which turns the water into a fantastic, translucent azure blue. See for yourself. I'll insert some pictures for you.
But before that, let me tell you a short, rather sad, anecdote.
Once upon a time there was a little boat. In it there was the man who navigated the boat into one of the Blue Caves, an Austrian family and an elderly couple. The families mother and the elderly woman were excited, like all of the tourists in that boat, and did not know what they should photograph first. Then, suddenly, it happened. The elderly woman's camera slipped out of her excited, wrinkled fingers and dropped into the sea. Of course, the lady was desperate, not because she had to buy a new one now, as she claimed, but because she lost all the pictures from their already ending holiday on Zakynthos. Sadly, that incident spoilt her trip. And if no one brought that camera up from the seabed, it surely is still there.

But now the promised pictures:

By for now! :D

Samstag, 3. Januar 2015

"Bump the app before you bump in bed"


I thought I would quickly tell you about an Icelandic curiosity. (;

A few weeks ago, my sister came back from her holiday in Iceland. Afterwards, she naturally had a lot to tell. What I found odd but really amusing, was her story of the Islendinger App. Because of the fact that Iceland has only 320,000 inhabitants, three young software-engineering students at the University of Iceland developed an app which lets users instantly compare their lineage by bumping their mobile phones together. When you bump, it shows your nearest common ancestors. If you bump with someone who’s too closely related, you get an alarm sound and a text warning, the “incest-prevention alarm”. It traces the lineage of all the country’s inhabitants, in some cases going back to 9th century settlers.

“People may think it's funny, but the app is a necessity.”

If you want to try it out now, I have to disappoint you. Users must have an Icelandic social security number to log on. (;

Freitag, 2. Januar 2015

A language learner's assistance

Dear readers!

Since October 2014, I call myself a professional language learner. If you want to know more precisely, I study Transcultural Communication.

In this post, I’ll let you know what helps me to improve my language these days.

First and foremost, I am happy to have learned what the internet offers when it comes to the English language. Now, I’ll present my most used websites to you.

In my opinion, the most important thing to know when you learn English is that there are sooo many great monolingual dictionaries available on the Internet. AND, they are more useful than you might think! That knowledge really helped me out in the past few months. 
To conclude, I`ve never used such dictionaries before and am glad that my current teacher showed them to us students right in the beginning of this semester.
Oh, I nearly forgot. If you want to know, my favourite one is the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. It contains everything a language learner’s heart can wish for and apart from that, its design is clear and neat, which I very much like.

Next: website for finding synonyms.
And the winner is: Thesaurus!
A problem of mine is that I have so much more words in my passive vocabulary than in my active vocabulary.  What I do to eliminate this issue is that whenever I want to use a word which I have already used in the same essay before or when it is just too simple and worn out, I look up a synonym for it. I believe that helps to expand my active vocabulary.
But, I have hardly any experience with websites with this purpose. Because of that, there is a good chance that there are many other websites which are better that Thesaurus and unknown to me.

What I also use quite frequently is the app on my phone. It is a bilingual dictionary and works without a connection to the Internet. That’s why I prefer it as my phone often isn’t willing to cooperate when it comes to the usage of the internet. But, be aware that access to the internet is necessary when you want to listen to the pronunciation of a word!

Finally, when I have finished writing, I’ll use the website which analyses my text and tells me how many different mistakes it contains. That gives me an idea of how grammatically correct I have written and what I have to watch out for while rereading my work.

Now you have gained some insight into my life as a language student. 

I hope you enjoyed it!
Bye for now!