Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

The Blue Caves... magnificent! bewitching! stunning! astonishing!

Hello again! :D

There are countless positive adjectives out there and I could possibly describe the Blue Caves with all of them.

Years ago, I spend one marvelous week on the small Greek isle Zakynthos with my family.  Of course we saw most of the sights and they were all amazing. But, my favorite was the Blue Caves. These are small caves and rock formations marked in the northern coast of Zakynthos. You can only access them by a small boat, which then navigates through natural arches and into impressive caves. This place is most famous for its light reflection, which turns the water into a fantastic, translucent azure blue. See for yourself. I'll insert some pictures for you.
But before that, let me tell you a short, rather sad, anecdote.
Once upon a time there was a little boat. In it there was the man who navigated the boat into one of the Blue Caves, an Austrian family and an elderly couple. The families mother and the elderly woman were excited, like all of the tourists in that boat, and did not know what they should photograph first. Then, suddenly, it happened. The elderly woman's camera slipped out of her excited, wrinkled fingers and dropped into the sea. Of course, the lady was desperate, not because she had to buy a new one now, as she claimed, but because she lost all the pictures from their already ending holiday on Zakynthos. Sadly, that incident spoilt her trip. And if no one brought that camera up from the seabed, it surely is still there.

But now the promised pictures:

By for now! :D

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